================================== pysmap -- Offline Mapnik Rendering ================================== pysmap is a simple renderer for mapnik-generated maps with some means of manipulating GPX files. I couldn't really find something that renders openstreetmap data out of a database without going through tilecache and all kinds of web connections, so I decided to ignore the fact that API documentation for mapnik cannot be located by mere humans and write a sliding map with auto rendering thingy. Also, I found I usually want to crop track data before uploading it to osm, so I added that functionality as well. pysmap is Free Software. See COPYING for the licensing conditions. Usage ----- I hope most of the interface is understandable. Click and drag using the right mouse button to move the visible area. Note that pysmap doesn't tell trackpoints and waypoints apart in its interface (though it will maintain the distinction on exporting GPX files). Everything is just one long track. To select points, click and drag with the left mouse button. Contrary to how these things commonly work, selection is additive, i.e., your previous seleciton is not cleared. To substract points, press the control button when releasing the mouse button. I believe this selection method is more convenient in the usual use cases, but maybe I'm wrong and I should make pysmap work like all other programs. Opinions are welcome, as long as I'm the only actual user of the program, things remain as they are. Cloaking Times '''''''''''''' One non-obvious feature is time cloaking. The idea is that when uploading to openstreetmap, you may not want people to see exactly when you were where. To provide some anonymity while preserving the basic data (i.e., the rough time the data was taken), you can enable the "...cloak times" menu entry. If you do that, the time of the first point in the track is shifted by up to [export]startjitter/2 days (according to a uniform distribution). The default on this is 30. The following points will be [export]pointInterval (default 10) seconds apart. This is not perfect (e.g., one would rather have constant velocity), but I guess it should do for now. Custom POIs ''''''''''' This is a bookmark functionality. Shift-left click on the map to set a "Point of interest". A dialog will pop up that lets you name the new point. Right click on the point to get a context menu. All POIs will be saved to a GPX file named ~/mypois.gpx by default (change this name using the general/poiFile option). The POI files are particularly handy on a GPS receiver. For Garmin units, use:: gpsbabel -i gpx -f mypois.gpx -o garmin_gpi,category="Custom POIs",bitmap="mypoi.bmp",descr -F poi.gpi You need to change category and bitmap as you see fit. Copy poi.gpi to the Garmin/POI folder on the device.